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Bandit Level 0 → Level 1 Walkthrough


In the previous level we learned how to log in remotely using the SSH protocol. Based on the goal stated in this level, we will be using that skill to progress to the next level. Before that, however, we need to find a file located in the home directory of the OverTheWire server of which we have access.

We can do this by using some of the commands that are provided in the challenge.

Typing in "ls" displays or lists the files in the directory that you are currently working in.

The file "readme" was listed. We need to display the contents of the file to find out the password to log into the next level. We do this by typing the command "cat readme". The command cat displays the contents of the file named "readme" which contains a single line of text which must be the password to the next level.

Lets use it to log into the next level on the server by using the username "bandit1" and the password that was provided. Type in the following command: "exit" to log out of bandit0 and insert the credentials for bandit1 to access level 1.

Verify that you are in Level 1 by observing that your username has changed to "bandit1"

Level 1 Completed!



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